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breakfast and After School Club



Our school breakfast club is open each day of the week from 7.30am and takes place in the school hall. Pupils are able to access books and board games, chat with their friends or watch a film.

The cost of attending from 7.30am is £4 per session which is payable via scopay and breakfast can be purchased from the serving hatch. Please see an example of the menu below. Each item is £1 and will be charged to parent pay accounts, in the same way as breaktime and lunch purchases.

Please ensure that accounts are topped up regularly and that they are in credit.

Breakfast menu

Bookings should be made by 3pm the day before to enable us to manage supervision. However, please do contact us if you need provision at short notice and we will always do our best to accommodate.  Funds will need to be available on the account in order to book sessions (the system will prompt you to top up the account). Sessions can be amended in advance and this will put a credit on the account for future sessions to be booked. Unfortunately, if a session has been booked but is not attended then we will be unable to offer a refund.

If you would like to book this facility, please see the guide below on how to book a session on scopay: www.scopay.com/stedwardsroyalfree. If you are unable to book a session it maybe because there are no places available as we have a limit of 30 spaces each day.

If you have booked a place but will not be using it (e.g., if your child is unwell) please contact us by 7.30am via breakfastclub@sterf.org.uk to let us know so that we do not phone home as we will be taking a register each morning for safeguarding purposes.

Pupils should arrive for breakfast club via the pedestrian gate on Parsonage Lane and walk through the large grey gate outside our reception to access the hall from the door that they usually enter for break and lunchtimes. Parents may accompany pupils if they wish. The pedestrian gate on Parsonage Lane is open to enable pupils to enter promptly at 7.30am if needed.  The main gates are also open until 8am and parents may drive onto the school site to drop their child at breakfast club if they are arriving before 8am.

Pupils that arrive at school between 8.15am and 8.30am are also able to buy breakfast by entering the hall via the grey gates before they go to registration.


Our after-school provision is open daily in the school library from 3.00pm to 5.00pm. You can book a place for your child on a session-by-session basis and the charge for this is £8 per session.  

Sessions must be booked in advance on Scopay. 

Bookings can be made up to 1pm on the day required.

Please note that funds need to be available on your account in order to book sessions (the system will prompt you to top up the account).  

If you would like to book this facility, please see the guide below on how to book a session on Scopay.  Places are limited and if you are unable to book a session it may be because there are no places available for that day. 

Sessions can be amended/cancelled in advance and this will add a credit to your account for a future session to be booked.  Unfortunately, if a session has been booked but is not attended then we will be unable to offer a refund.

If you book a place but will not be using it, please telephone the school office on 01753 867809 by 2.30pm to let us know, so that we do not phone home as we will be taking a register each day for safeguarding purposes.

PDF icon Booking sessions on Scopay - a parent's guide 


If parents need to contact the staff supervising wraparound care outside of normal office hours, they can do so by ringing 07546 645448. Please note that this number is only for emergency wraparound care contact. All other communication should be via the school office.